Hundreds of trailblazing women have been recognised in the annual #NorthInnovationWomen list, published today.
To mark International Women’s Day, the Northern Health Science Alliance (NHSA) and N8 Research Partnership have published a list of more than 350 innovative women who are excelling within their chosen fields.
The #NorthInnovationWomen campaign provides an informal and supportive platform for women to be acknowledged and celebrated. The social media campaign relies on Twitter users to suggest women they want to see included in the list – there are no strict criteria or voting systems.
This year’s list features around 358 women who are achieving great things and inspiring those around them across the North of England, as recommended by our Twitter followers.
All #NorthInnovationWomen on this year’s list can download a Twitter card here, to share on your own social media channels.
Hannah Davies, NHSA Head of External and Public Affairs, said: “As we join people across the world celebrating International Women’s Day, we’re proud to present North Innovation Women 2021 which recognises some truly inspirational women. When we first launched the campaign three years ago, our aim was to start a conversation on social media that allowed women to celebrate each other’s achievements and successes. Little did we know how much the idea would be embraced by people across the North and that it would grow into what it is today.
“We are thrilled with the response this year and to see so many people share their support and appreciation for women working in innovation. Thank you to everyone who has taken part in the campaign and well done to all the amazing women in the list.”
Dr Annette Bramley, Director of the N8 Research Partnership, said: “We are delighted to see the regional response to the North Innovation Women campaign and to be partnering with the NHSA again on such a positive and widespread celebration of our talent in the North.
“Taking the opportunity to champion women in innovation as part of International Women’s Day is a great way to share our message of inclusivity, diversity and collaboration. It is this working culture which will continue to drive better research and innovation in our region, helping N8 and the NHSA to deliver incredible impact across the North, the UK and beyond.”
International Women’s Day is a global day, marked annually on March 8, celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. It also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. Read more about #IWD2021 and how to get involved at: https://www.internationalwomensday.com
The NHSA and N8 Research Partnership are proud to present #NorthInnovationWomen 2021
- Abby, Lecturer in the Centre for Organisational Health and Well-being @LancasterUni: @abby_morris87
- Dr Adelina E Acosta Martin: @adelinslins
- Agnes Noy, @UniofYork: @ANoyLab
- Ailsa Pickering, nurse specialist: @Ailsa62869906
- Alexis Jane Holden, @UCLanResearch: @AjholdenJane
- Alice Ashcroft, ISS Innovation Development Analyst: @themusicofalice
- Alice Pyne, Lecturer in Soft Matter @msesheffield @sheffielduni @sheffunistaff: @alicepyne
- Alice Wiseman, Director of Public Health for Gateshead: @AliceWiseman11
- Aline Miller, Professor of Chemical Engineering & Associate Dean for Business Engagement Faculty of Science & Engineering at The University of Manchester/ Founder& CEO of MancBIOGEL: @alinefmiller
- Alison Jane Yarnall, Consultant Geriatrician and researcher, Institute of Neuroscience, Biomedical Research Centre, Newcastle: @AlisonYarnall
- Alison Littlewood, Programme Manager for @ARC_GM_/ Co-founder of the Research Programme Managers’ Network @ResearchPMN_NW/ Healthy Ageing Research Group @HealthyAgeingR1: @ajlittlewood
- Alison Peirce, NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Centre @ManchesterBRC
- Alison Thompson, @LeedsandYorkPFT
- Amanda Ellison, Professor of neuroscience @durham_uni @WolfsonResearch: @ellison_brain
- Amanda Lamb, HealthTech Innovation, Learning Health Systems & Public Impact @LivUni, Director @CHCNorth: @waltzinglamb
- Amanda Lee: @Amanda_S_Lee
- Amanda Risino, @HealthInnovMcr
- Amber Ali, NIHR Newcastle BRC @NIHRNewcBRC
- Anastassia, Scientist/ BD Lead @AlderleyPark: @abolotkova
- Andrea Burroughs, Associate Director Commercial Enterprise @Newcastlehosps: @andreabu2710
- Angela Birt, NIHR CRN Industry Operations Manager: @BirtAngie
- Dr Angela Kennedy, psychologist: @DrAngelaKennedy
- Angela O’brien, Nurse and Midwife: @AngelaO46242020
- Angela Topping, Head of Newcastle Joint Research Office: @AngelaTopping74
- Dr Angela Walsh, Scientist turned Business Development at Science and Technology Facilities Council @STFC_matters: @Tabsterw8
- ‘AngelouCentre’: @AngelouCentre1
- Dr Anita Atwal: @anita_atwal
- Anita Scott, Midwife at North Tees Hospital: @anitamumof2
- Ann Fox, Executive Director of Nursing, Quality and Safety @SunderlandCCG/ Visiting Professor @sunderlanduni: @Fox4Ann
- Anna Maxwell, Maxwellia: @amannamaxwell
- Anna Stabler, nurse / midwife & Chief Nurse @NCICNHS: @annastabler1
- Anna, Thinktank researcher: @annainnewcastle
- Anne-Maree Keenan, Applied health researcher, Associate Dean NIHR Academy, Leeds BRC, podiatrist, co-founder of the Leeds Female Leaders Network: @amk762
- Annemarie Money, NIHR ARC GM Research Fellow – Healthy Ageing/ Healthy Ageing Research Group @HealthyAgeingR1: @MoneyAnnemarie
- Dr Annette Bramley, Director at N8 Research Partnership: @AnnetteB_N8
- Antoneta Granic, Senior Research Associate, AGE Research Group Institute of Neuroscience, Newcastle University/ NIHR Newcastle BRC @NIHRNewcBRC: @antoneta_granic
- April Phaw, Gastroenterology Trainee: @AprilPhaw4
- Ashley Adamson, director of NIHR School for Public Health Research @NIHRSPHR: @AshleyAdamson6
- Asri Maharani, Medical doctor, researcher/ Healthy Ageing Research Group @HealthyAgeingR1: @AsriMaharani03
- Avan Sayer, AGE (Ageing Geriatrics & Epidemiology) Research Group Newcastle, NIHR Newcastle BRC @NIHRNewcBRC: @AvanSayer
- Ayesha Rahim, Perinatal Psychiatrist/ Chief Clinical Information Officer /Deputy Medical Director at Lancashire & South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust: @AyeshaRahimCCIO
- Barbara Hanratty: @BarbaraHanratty
- Beth Morrissey, University of Leeds @UniversityLeeds
- Dr Bethany Kate Bareham, Research Associate @NclUni_IHS: @BKBareham
- Binita Kane, Lung Doctor/ Integrated care / Resp lead @healthinnovmcr: @BinitaKane
- Dr Blanca Perez-Sepulveda, microbiologist @LivUni_IVES/ recruitment & engagement officer @UKRSAvitae: @BlancaPerSep
- Bushra Alam, Acute Medicine Consultant Salford Royal part of Northern Care Alliance/ Greater Manchester Oximetry@home/COVID Virtual Ward clinical lead: @bushra_alam1
- Cara Afzal, Health Innovation Manchester@HealthInnovMcr
- Carla, Public Health Midwife @NorthumbriaNHS: @carlaandersonMW
- Professor Carol Holland, Division of Health Research, Lancaster University: @CarolHolland286
- Carole Spencer
- Caroline Dive, CRUK Manchester Institute @CRUK_MI
- Caroline Docking; Assistant Chief Executive at Newcastle Hospitals: @carolinedocNHS
- Dr Caroline Dodd-Reynolds, Associate Professor in Physical Activity & Nutrition @durham_uni @DUSportExSci: @carolinedod
- Caroline Kenyon, Director of Comms and Engagement @innovationnwc: @carokenyon
- Caroline Springer, CRUK Manchester Institute @CRUK_MI
- Cath, Director for NHS Improving Me programme: @cath_mcclenn
- Catherine Exley, Dean of Population Health Sciences Institute, @UniofNewcastle: @Cathxly
- Catherine McShane, Project Manager for County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust
- @CDDFTNHS @NHShealthcall: @ctmcshane2000
- Catherine Walshe, Palliative care researcher at the International Observatory on End of Life Care @IOELC: @cewalshe
- Ceri Batchelder: @ceribatchelder
- Ceri Williams, Director of Research and Innovation Development @UniversityLeeds: @Ceriwilliams29
- Charlotte Fox, Digital Transformation at Academic Health Science Network for the North East and North Cumbria @ahsn_nenc: @CharlotteFox22
- Charlotte Lewis, Commercial Health Lawyer: @charlmchugh
- Charlotte Stockton, Project Manager: @LottiesLoaves
- Christina van der Feltz-Cornelis, Prof of psychiatry and epidemiology, NHS psychiatrist, epidemiologist: @VanFeltz
- Christine Cornforth, Health Researcher, Neurodevelopmental Psychologist: @CCornforth1
- Claire Brown, Biocity Group Ltd @BioCity: @CB_Investing
- Dr Claire Corkhill, @EPSRC Early Career Research Fellow and Reader in the Geological Disposal of Nuclear Waste @ISL_Sheffield @msesheffield @CoRWM/ Materials Science Discipline Lead @RSO_GDF_UK: @clairecorkhill
- Dr Claire E. Welsh, Data scientist and veterinary surgeon: @DrClaireEWelsh
- Claire Eyers, Analytical chemist, Professor of Biological Mass Spectrometry @livuniIIB: @ClaireEEyers
- Claire Smith: @clairepanes82
- Claire Stringer, Midwife, Northumbria Healthcare NHS FT @NorthumbriaNHS: @clagger0
- Claire Sutton, Digital Transformation Lead @NCFCareForum: @ClaireLSutton
- Claire Wilson, postdoc at University of Liverpool, honorary research associate at the Division of Cardiovascular Sciences at the University of Manchester, co-chair of University of Liverpool RSA: @claire_wilson2
- Professor Clare Bambra, Professor of Public Health, Newcastle University: @ProfBambra
- Clare Morgan, Director of Strategy at Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust @LivHospitals: @drclaremorgan
- Colette Kirk, Senior Dietitian IF/HPN @NewcastleHosps/ Training Fellow @NIHRNewcBRC: @ColetteKirk17
- Daniella McCarron, Bruntwood SciTech @BW_SciTech
- Dawn Dowding, Professor of Clinical Decision Making at the University of Manchester/ Healthy Ageing Research Group @HealthyAgeingR1: @decisiondawn
- Dawn Lawson, Chief Executive Officer @LivHPartners: @lawson_dawn
- Dawn, Researcher evidence synthesis/health economics. Director @NIHRIO, @UniofNewcastle: @dawn_craig
- Deb Hetherington, Head of Innovation at Bruntwood SciTech @BW_SciTech/ Co-founder @WILD_igital: @DebDoesDigital
- Debora Price, Gerontologist, @GerontologyUK
- Debra Archer, Professor of Equine Surgery @LivUni: @DebraAr61369377
- Delyth Lloyd Edwards, Business Development Manager Incubation at STFC Innovations @stfc_b2b: @delythll
- Diane Cresswell
- Donna Robson, NHS Clinical Trials Coordinator at NIHR Patient Recruitment Centre Newcastle: @Donald_1983
- Donna Smith, Communications Manager at Academic Health Science Network for the North East and North Cumbria @ahsn_nenc: @donnasmith1977
- Donna Wakefield, Palliative Medicine Consultant at North Tees: @DonnaWakefield_
- ‘dreradams’: @dreradams1
- Eileen Kaner, director of @NIHR_ARC_NENC: @EileenKaner
- Elaine Evans, Life Sciences Specialist, Northern Powerhouse, Department for International Trade @tradegovuk @tradegovuk_NW: @_Elaine_Evans
- Eleanor GB; Consultant in Public Health: @gb_eleanor
- Elizabeth Hughes, MHN, prof, director of research @leedshealthcare @UniversityLeeds/ Editor @advancesDD: @LizHughesDD
- Elizabeth McDermott, Professor of Health Inequality: @ElizabethMcDer6
- Elizabeth, Deputy Chief Nurse @newcastlehospitals: @lizharris1697
- Dr Ellen Tullo, NIHR Newcastle BRC @NIHRNewcBRC
- Ellena Badrick, Cancer Data Scientist: @elliebadrick
- Elspeth Guthrie, @UniversityLeeds
- Emily Adams, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine @LSTMnews
- Emma Halliday, Division of Health Research, Lancaster University: @halliday_e
- Emma Johnson, of GM&C Life Sciences @gmclifesciences
- Emma K Stanmore, Reader, University of Manchester/ Healthy Ageing Research Group @HealthyAgeingR1: @EmmaStanmore
- Emma Lim, paediatrician at Great North Children’s Hospital @greatnorthCH: @ejlim8
- Dr Emma Raine, NIHR Newcastle BRC @NIHRNewcBRC
- Emma Thrope, research programme manager propelling cancer prevention & early detection research in Manchester: @ethorpe76
- Esha Smith at @NorthumbriaUni
- Dr Eva Caamano, Data scientist manager @LivUniCBF: @Eva_Caamano
- Eve Roodhouse, Chief Officer Culture and Economy, Leeds: @eveyroo
- Fareeha Tariq
- Fiona Beyer, Systematic reviewer (Newcastle University), PhD student: @FionaBeyer
- Fiona Eccles, Researcher in psychological impact of neurological conditions: @FionaJREccles
- Fiona Lobban, Prof in Clinical Psychology, Codirector of Spectrum Centre @LancasterUniFHM: @fionalobban
- Fiona Matthews, Professor of Epidemiology @UniofNewcastle / director of COVID-19 analytics for @CovidhubNE: @FEMatthewsStats
- Fozia Ahmed, Cardiologist: @foziaahmedMD
- Fran Dennis, @SheffieldChem PhD student
- Dr Francis Sherratt, qualitative postdoc @LivUni: @SherrattFrances
- Gemma Dyer, Public Sector Partnerships Manager @princestrust: @GD8282
- Georgina Endfield, APVC for Research and Impact in Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Liverpool @livuni and climate and weather researcher: @Weather_Extreme
- Gez Richell, Research Nurse at Newcastle P3 Clinical Research Unit: @GezRichell
- GFSpiers, Researcher at Newcastle University: @GFSpiers
- Professor Grainne Gorman, NIHR Newcastle BRC @NIHRNewcBRC
- Hannah Davies, Head of Public and External Affairs @The_NHSA: @PRJournoHannahD
- Hannah Randles, @GrowthPlatform_
- Hazel Forsyth: @ForsythHf
- Heather Corlett: @HeatherCorlett1
- Heather Rice, Assistant Director of Research @rdash_nhs @rdashresearch1: @Heather_Rice3
- Helen Cauldbeck, Unilever research fellow at @LivUni: @HelenCauldbeck
- Helen Cole, Industry Partnerships Manager @The_NHSA: @TechHelen
- Helen Elmes, Events & Social Media Manager @OrchaHealth: @Helen_Elmes
- Helen Foley, Marketing and comms manager, NIHR Newcastle BRC @NIHRNewcBRC: @helen_foley3
- Helen Hawley-Hague, NIHR Fellow, University of Manchester/ Healthy Ageing Research Group @HealthyAgeingR1: @DrHawleyHague
- Helen Williams
- Helga Charters, Associate Director of Nursing for Children and Young People: @ChartersHc
- Dr Hilary Lloyd RN, Chief Nurse at South Tees Hospitals NHS FT: @hilarylloyd13
- Honor Rhodes, @CumbriaUni
- Ilaria Bellatuono, Co-Director of the Healthy Lifespan Institute: @Ibellatuono
- Ionela Spinu, Behaviour Hackers @BehaviourHacker
- Dame Jackie Daniel, CEO, The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals/ NHSA board member: @JackieDanielNHS
- Jackie White, South Tees Hospitals @SouthTees
- Jadine Scragg, Researcher within the Diet and Obesity BRC: @JadineScragg
- Jana Sremanakova, Genetics and Molecular Biologist, Nutritionist, Fitness trainer, PhD candidate in Clinical Nutrition at the University of Manchester/ Healthy Ageing Research Group @HealthyAgeingR1: @AdvancedEating
- Jane Anderson, Associate Director of Midwifery @NewcastleHosps: @JaneAnd24167350
- Jane Huddleston: @janehuddleston4
- Jane Hurst, Behavioural ecologist: @b6mup
- Jane Kendrew, Sygnature Discovery @SygnatureDiscov
- Jane McDermott, The University of Manchester: @janemcdermott26
- Jane Theaker, @KinomicaLtd
- Jay Hamilton, Associate Director @HealthInnovMcr: @jayhamilton13
- Jaz Catlow, @SheffieldChem PhD student: @JazCat19
- Jennie Popay, Division of Health Research, Lancaster University: @Popay100
- Jennie Smith, Sheffield NIHR Biomedical Research Centre Manager @SheffieldBRC
- Jennifer Bradford, @TeamPhastar
- Jennifer Kilcoyne, @Mersey_Care
- Jennifer Robson, Sector Manager Health and Life Sciences @WestYorkshireCA @LeedsCityRegion
- Jill Madine, lecturer working in the Institute of Integrative Biology @LivUni investigating amyloid deposition in disease: @jill_madine
- Jilly Gibson-Miller, Health Psychologist, Psychotherapist: @JillyGMiller
- Jo Brackley, Speech and Language Therapy Lead, CNTW NHS Foundation Trust @CNTWNHS: @jobrackley
- Jo Dixon-Hardy, Medtech professional: @JoDixonHardy
- Jo Rycroft-Malone, Dean of Health & Medicine @LancasterUni, Director, NIHR HS&DR-@NIHRresearch: @jorycroftmalone
- Jo Ward: @ChangeMakerNo1
- Joanna Solanki, Services Director @_ncompass: @JoannaSolanki
- Joanne Dolezal, Lead strategist, Dolezal Consulting/ Teacher @CIM_Exchange @nesma / Comms @PRCNewcastle: @JoanneDolezal
- Dr Joanne Lewis, Consultant Clinical Oncologist @NcccOncology: @JosRant1
- Joanne Wass, University of Leeds @UniversityLeeds
- Jodie Keyworth, Sheffield NIHR Biomedical Research Centre Manager @SheffieldBRC: @jodie_keyworth
- Jordan Hewitt, Project Support Officer at Academic Health Science Network for the North East and North Cumbria @ahsn_nenc: @jordanhewitt24
- Joy Allen, Senior IVD Evaluation Methodologist at the NIHR Newcastle In Vitro Diagnostics Co-operative (Newcastle MIC) NIHR Newcastle IVD Co-operative @NIHR_NCL_MIC: @ajoy_allen
- Professor Julia Newton, Medical Director @AHSN_NENC: @JuliaN_AHSNNENC
- Julia Reynolds, Associate Director at Innovation Agency: @JulsReynolds
- Julie McGann, Unicorn and Co @BeHappy_AtWork
- Professor Karen Bloor, Health economist at the University of York @uniofyork: @KBloor
- Karen Hind, Sport and Exercise Health Sciences @DUSportExSci @durham_uni: @DrKarenHind
- Karen Joy Kirkby, Leading proton therapy research at University of Manchester and The Christie NHS Foundation Trust. Deputy Director MAHSE (HSST): @karenjoykirkby
- Karina Nielsen, The University of Sheffield @sheffielduni
- Kasia Kurowska, NIHR Newcastle BRC @NIHRNewcBRC: @KasiaKurowska
- Kate Baxter, social care research @SPRUyork: @KateBxtr
- Kate Hallsworth, Senior Research Physiotherapist and NIHR/HEE Clinical Lecturer: @HallsworthKate
- Kate Jones, Head of Research Development & Delivery @LivuniHLS: @katevjones
- Professor Kate Pickett, Social epidemiologist, co-author of ‘The Spirit Level’ and ‘The Inner Level’ and co-founder of The Equality Trust: @ProfKEPickett
- Kate Warriner, Chief Digital and Information Officer @alderhey: @katewarriner
- Dr Kath Mackay, Managing Director @BW_SciTech @AlderleyPark and NHSA board member: @kath_mackay
- Professor Kath Morris, RWM RSO Director @RSO_GDF_UK: @morris_kath
- Katharina Janke, Lecturer in Health Economics at Lancaster University: @Kleinkatka
- Katharine Robertson, Head of Campus Development at STFC Daresbury Laboratory: @_Katharine_R
- Katherine Boylan, Head of Innovation @MFT_research @MFTnhs: @hugbub
- Kathy Scott, COO @ Yorkshire and Humber AHSN: @KathyScott_535
- Katie Droogan, Bruntwood SciTech @BW_SciTech
- Katie Gallagher, MD of Manchester Digital @mcrdig, director of @CybercentreGM: @katiegallagher
- Katy Roscoe, historian of convicts, empire & sea, co-chair of University of Liverpool research association; The Lverhulm Trust ECF Liverpool Uni: @KatyARoscoe
- Kirstie Taylor, Strategic Communications Lead at Academic Health Science Network for the North East and North Cumbria @ahsn_nenc: @Kirstie64
- Kris Subramaniam, Immunologist / Tenure Track Fellow at @LivUni_IVES: @KrisSubrama
- Laura Haigh
- Laura Harkness-Brennan, Professor at the University of Liverpool @LivUni: @LauraHBPhysics
- Laura Hinton, @GentronixLtd
- Dr Laura Kelly, University of Liverpool @LivUni
- Laura Kornas, Faculty Engagement & Partnership Manager, Arts and Social Science @LancasterUni & @ESRC IAA Manager: @LauraKornas
- Laura Rooney, Strategy, comms, digital, tech, NHS, healthcare and innovation @HealthInnovMcr & @GMDigitalHC: @LauraRooney24
- Dr Lauren Walker, University of Liverpool @LivUni
- Leanne Cork, NIHR Newcastle BRC @NIHRNewcBRC
- Leena Habiballa, PhD student in Biogerontology. NIHR Newcastle BRC. Newcastle University. Mayo Clinic: @HabiballaLeena
- Dr Liat Levita, neuroscientist and senior lecturer at the Department of Psychology, the University of Sheffield: @LevitaLiat
- Lily Mott, Executive Assistant @The_NHSA/ Master of Public Health student at Uni of Sheffield: @_Raviolily
- Lina Gega, University of York @UniOfYork
- Linda Tinkler, NMAHP research lead @NewcastleHosps: @TinkleLin
- Linda Vernon, Digital Clinical Lead, Healthier Lancashire and South Cumbria @healthierLSC: @VernonLinda
- Lindsay Sharples, @nwc_lindsay
- Lis Boulton Rose, Research Fellow (University of Manchester)/ Healthy Ageing Research Group @HealthyAgeingR1: @DrLisBoulton
- Lisa Anson, @RedxPharma
- Lisa Butland, Active and Healthy Ageing Associate @The_NHSA / Chief Executive of Age UK (Calderdale & Kirklees) @AgeUKCK: @ButlandLisa
- Lisa Guthrie, Associate Director of Nursing, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle-upon-Tyne Hospitals: @lisaguthrie_406
- Lisa McGarrigle, Research fellow interested in healthy ageing, falls prevention, frailty, dementia and patient-reported outcome measurement/ Healthy Ageing Research Group @HealthyAgeingR1: @mcgarrigle_lisa
- Dr Lisa Mooney, Pro Vice-Chancellor Research & Innovation at Sheffield Hallam @SheffieldHallam: @drlisamooney
- Lisa Richardson, NIHR Newcastle BRC @NIHRNewcBRC
- Lisa Summons, Clinical Implementation Manager @OrchaHealth/ @DH_Schools Programme Lead / Speech and Language Therapist: @_LizaSimmons
- Liz Ashall-Payne, CEO & Co-Founder @OrchaHealth: @LizAshallPayne
- Dr Liz Mear, Managing Director @LeedsAHP: @MearLiz
- Liz Towns-Andrews OBE, Director of Research & Enterprise, University of Huddersfield and 3M Professor of Innovation: @townsandrews
- Lorna Fraser, Director of the Martin House Research Centre @UoYMHRC at the university of York: @lornafraser10
- Lorna Green, Director of Enterprise and Growth @innovationnwc: @LornaGreenNWC
- Louisa Shilton, research + innovation development manager in applied health and social care @uniofyork: @DrLouisaShilton
- Louise Butcher, Senior data scientist at STFC Hartree Centre: @PhysicsLou
- Professor Louise Kenny, Pro Vice Chancellor, Health & Life Sciences @LivUni/ NHSA board member: @louiseckenny
- Professor Louise Robinson: @LouiseProfessor
- Lucía Pareja Cebrián, Microbiologist, director of infection prevention & control @NewcastleHosps: @ParejaCebrian
- Lucy Bailey, @RWM_gdf_uk head of the RSO: @lefbailey1
- Dr Lucy Gee, Post-doctoral research fellow in neurodegeneration: @Lucymgee
- Lucy Patterson, Midwife at Newcastle Hospitals @NewcastleHosps: @_ilovelucyp_
- Lucy Wales, Consultant Vascular Surgeon at Newcastle Hospitals @NewcastleHosps: @LucyWales2020
- Lucy Williams, NHS communications @healthinnovmcr: @LWilliamsHInM
- Lynn Rochester, NIHR Newcastle BRC @NIHRNewcBRC: @LynnRochester1
- Professor Lynne Corner, Director of Voice, The UK National Innovation Centre for Ageing @UKNICAofficial
- Mandalou: @mandalou172
- Dr Mandy Dixon, Head of Corporate Engagement @The_NHSA; Trustee @_ncompass: @manydixon100
- Manjusha Narayanan, NHS Consultant Microbiologist: @mnarayanam32
- Dr Marilyn Comrie, The Blair Project @GetMeMotoring
- Marina Pitsika, Neurosurgery Trainee North East @NHSHEE_NEY: @Marinapitsika
- Mary Roberts
- Maurya Cushlow, Executive Chief Nurse @NewcastleHosps: @MCushlow
- Medina Inamdar, NIHR Leeds Biomedical Research Centre @LeedsBRC
- Meenakshi Choudhary, Fertility Consultant: @MeenaFertility
- Melanie Radford RM PMA: @MellyMelly65
- Melanie, Nurse: @JohnsonMelm
- Mhairi Murdoch, Events and Visits Officer @The_NHSA
- Dr Michelle Cowley, Nuclear scientist, Senior Research Manager at @rwm_gdf_uk: @shell_cowley
- Miriam Lowes, NIHR Newcastle BRC @NIHRNewcBRC
- Miss Mott, teacher at Grangetown Primary School @gtownprimary
- Mrs Nelson, teacher at Thorntree Academy @TrThorntree
- Muzlifah Haniffa, Clinician scientist passionate about immunobiology & genomics/ NIHR Newcastle BRC @NIHRNewcBRC: @Muzz_Haniffa
- Nadine Bleasby, Experienced Leadership Coach and organisation leader: @nadine_bleasby
- Nana-Jane, Histopathology trained Biomedical Scientist/ PhD Student – Newcastle University: @enjywenjy
- Nancy Preston, Division of Health Research, Lancaster University: @NancyPreston16
- Naomi, Mixing psychology, technology, games, nature, research and enterprise to solve problems: @SocialNaomi
- Dr Neda Mobasher, Material & nuclear scientist, Interim-Senior Research Manager @rwm_gdf_uk: @NedaMobasher
- ‘neonatalbiobank’: @neonatalbiobank
- Ngozi Lyn Cole, Deputy Chair App Committee, General Pharmaceutical Council; Trustee, STSFT NHS Foundation Trust: @LynCole65
- Professor Dame Nicky Cullum, Applied health research, Prof of Nursing at Uni of Manchester, Director of @ARC_GM_: @nicolacullum
- Nicola Beesley, Veterinary parasitologist working at Liverpool University: @njbeesley
- Nicola Heron, Chief Business Officer Medicines Discovery Catapult @MedDiscCat: @herond4d
- Dr Nicola Hutchinson, Chief Executive Officer at @AHSN_NENC: @NicolaWesley
- Professor Nicola Wilson, Deputy Chief Executive @The_NHSA / Professor in Practice, Durham University: @NicWils68
- Niki Sandman, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences at the University of Liverpool @livuniHLS: @sandman_niki
- Nikki Holdsworth, Project Lead at Academic Health Science Network for the North East and North Cumbria @ahsn_nenc: @NikkiNewThnking
- Odeth Richardson, Head OT The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust @NewcastleHosps: @OdethRichardson
- Pam Shaw, Sheffield NIHR Biomedical Research Centre Manager @SheffieldBRC
- Dr Paula Bennett, Assoc Director – Clinical Development #UMUnit @healthinnovmcr: @DrPaulaBennett
- Paula Holland, Public health academic/social scientist: @DrPaulaHolland
- Paula Wheeler, ARC North West coast equitable place based health & care theme manager: @thewheelers14
- Pauline Whelan, Digital Health Lead: @CAMHS_Digital @HeRC_Tweets @cfhealthhub @Affigo_io Greater Manchester Mental Health & University of Manchester: @_PaulineWhelan
- Perdita Barran, Mass Spectrometry, Manchester Institute of Biotechnology @UoMMIB: @PerditaB
- Philippa Hedley-Takhar, @Devices4Dignity technology project manager: @piphedley
- Poonam Singh, Lead Specialist Nurse, cultural Ambassador, Vice chair BAME Staff Network @ Newcastle upon Tyne Trust Hospital: @Poonams64655761
- Rachael Gray, NIHR Newcastle BRC @NIHRNewcBRC
- Rachel Agbeko, National Health Service participant: @RachelAgbeko
- Rachel Churchill, Prof Evidence Synthesis, Mental Health Epidemiology @crd_york @uniofyork & Cochrane Common Mental Disorders Coordinating Editor @cochrane_ccmd: @ChurchillRachel
- Rachel Curwen, research manager, University of York @UniOfYork: @rachel_curwen
- Rachel Dunscombe, Visiting Prof ICL/CEO NHS DigitalAcademy/NCA NHS/UK AI Council: @ukpenguin
- Rachel Dwyer, The University of Sheffield @sheffielduni
- Rachel Joynes, Research, Innovation, Education, Quality Improvement | Data |#LHPSPARK #CivicDataCoop Dir. Liverpool Health Partners @LivHPartners: @research_ramble
- Rachel Meacock, Health economist @HOPE_UoM, The University of Manchester: @RachelMeacock
- Rachel Moser, South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust @allofusinmind
- Rachel Parkes, University of Liverpool @LivUni
- Dr Rachel Shelmerdine, @Yourgene_Health
- Rachel Thompson, UoM. Reseach Data. Project Manager: @rachel_e_t
- Rebecca Craig, Midwife and Continuity of carer project lead, Northumbria Healthcare NHS FT @NorthumbriaNHS: @becfleur
- Richelle Schuster: @Fidgeridoo
- Roisin Stout
- Dr Rosie Hibberd, Senior Research Manager at @RWM_gdf_uk
- Rowena Sellens, Econic Technologies @EconicTech
- Roz Davies, MD @wearemhabitat @mindwellleeds NED @DarnallWB MBA FRSA: @roz_davies
- Ruth Boston, Communications Manager @The_NHSA and @AHSN_NENC: @Ruth_LawsonPR
- Ruth Hannan, Transform Programme Manager @TheRSAorg: @HannanRuth
- Ruth Norris, Head of digital strategy Partnerships for @manchesterBRC & @herc_tweets / Founder of @teamsbuild: @Ruthlady
- Ruth Roberts, @ApconiXLtd/ Driving drug discovery and development @unibirmingham
- Sabine Flitsch: @FlitschSabine
- Sadaf Iqbal
- Saima Ahmed, Healthy Ageing Research Group @HealthyAgeingR1: @Saims
- Sally Johnson, Paediatric Nephrologist: @docsallyj
- Sally Sheard, Health and social policy historian at the University of Liverpool @HealthHistLiv: @SallyBSheard
- Sally Thompson, Principal Research Manager and Team Leader for @rwm_gdf_uk’s Geoscience Team
- Salma Yasmeen, nurse & director of strategy & change at South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust @allofusinmind: @SalmaYasmeen_1
- Sammy Waite, NIHR Newcastle BRC @NIHRNewcBRC / PhD student: @waite_sammy
- Sandra Bucci, NIHR Research Professor / Clinical Psychologist: @sbucci76
- Dr Saneeya Qureshi, Head of #ResearcherDevelopment & #ResearchCulture @LivUni: @SaneeyaQ
- Sarah Allinson, working on genome stability at Lancaster University: @AllinsonLab
- Sarah Arrowsmith, postdoc @LivUni: @DrSArrowsmith
- Sarah Bellhouse, PhD researcher @OfficialUoM @ManHealthPsych: @sarah_sbells
- Sarah Black, Event Manager at Academic Health Science Network for the North East and North Cumbria @ahsn_nenc: @saztaz11
- Sarah Brearley, Researcher and senior lecturer in Palliative Care: @drsarahbrearley
- Sarah Cartmell, Professor of Bioengineering at The University of Manchester. Head of Biomaterials Research Group: @sespops
- Sarah Coupland, Pathologist; cancer and vision researcher: @SarahCoupland3
- Sarah Daniel, research team at Tees Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust @TEWVresearch: @SarahDaniel21
- Sarah Harris, University of Leeds @UniversityLeeds
- Professor Sarah Heath, Prof of Nuclear Chemistry @UoM_MACE / RSO training lead and PI of the @GREENCDT @RSO_GDF_UK
- Sarah Jackson, Director of Research Partnerships & Innovation @livuniresthemes @LivUni: @Sarah_Jackson
- Sarah Rendall, Digital Communications Manager at Academic Health Science Network for the North East and North Cumbria @ahsn_nenc: @smrendall
- Dr Sarah Staniland, Reader in Chemistry @sheffunistaff
- Sarah Thew, Senior user researcher, UX lecturer, health informatics, bioinformatics, @oht_manchester organiser: @Sarri
- Sarah Tooze: @tooze_s
- Sarah Tulip, cofounder @WILD_igital, Head of Digital Transformation @BJSSLtd: @SarahTulip
- Sheila Payne, Palliative care researcher: @SheilaPayne1
- Sheinaz Stansfield, Managing Partner: OTRR-MG. Development Advisor: nhse: @sheinazs
- Sherry Kothari, Director, Health Innovation Campus, Lancaster University: @SherryKothari
- Shirley Hannan, Strategy, Planning and Performance Manager at The University of Manchester: @ShirleyHannan
- Siobhan Muthiah
- Sonia: @srochaliv
- Sophia Ananiadou, Natural language processing, biomedical text mining: @SAnaniadou
- Dr Sophie Wickham; PhD Msc BSc (Hons); Wellcome Trust Research Fellow: @SL_Wickham
- Dr Sorrel Burden, Research Dietitian School of Health Sciences, University of Manchester & Salford Royal Foundation Trust/ Healthy Ageing Research Group @HealthyAgeingR1: @sorrelburden
- Stella James
- Steph Edusei, CEO @stoswaldsuk: @StephEdusei
- Steph Prady, Social epidemiologist in mental health at the University of York: @PradySteph
- Dr Steph Steels, Manchester Metropolitan University @ManMetUni
- Subha Thiyagesh, South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust @allofusinmind
- Sue Barton, South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust @allofusinmind: @barnsleybart
- Sue Capstick, Registered Nurse, Queens Nurse: @thinkingtime
- Sue Hart, Academic Health Science Network for the North East and North Cumbria @AHSN_NENC
- Sue Hartley, Ecologist working on environmental sustainability, climate change, and food security: @profSueHartley
- SueR: @r_renforth
- Suzanne Hodge, Social scientist, mental health researcher and trainer of clinical psychologists: @suzannemhodge
- Suzanne Robinson, Exec Director of Finance & IM&T @GMMH_NHS: @suzanneFINANCE
- Teresa Jennings, Chief Executive Officer @_ncompass: @Teresancompass
- Teri Bayliss, Newcastle Hospitals Charity Director @Newcastle_NHS: @TeriBayliss
- Tiffany Thorn, Founder and CEO of BiVictriX Therapeutics: @TiffanyThorn18
- Vanessa Nolan, Administrative Officer @The_NHSA
- Vee Mapunde, Programme Manager for NIHR Surgical MedTech Co-operative: @trailblazer1980
- Venia Giannakaki, neurosurgery trainee: @venia_g
- Dr Vicky Savage, Head of Biology Infex Therapeutics Ltd @INFEX_TX: @TordiSav
- Vicky Thomas, Paediatrician and breastfeeding expert @NewcastleHosps/ Co-founder of @HIFN12/ published poet: @LittleDoctorVic
- Victoria Betton, MD PeopleDotCom/ CInO @Mindwave_ / Founder @wearemhabitat @cospacenorthHQ: @VictoriaBetton
- Victoria Masso, Behaviour Hackers @BehaviourHacker
- Violaine See, Senior lecturer in Cell Biology and adept of cell imaging: @ViolaineSee
- Professor Wendy Baird, Professor of Health Services Research at The University of Sheffield @sheffielduni, Director of NIHR Research Design Service for Yorkshire @NIHR_RDSYHand the Humber: @baird_wo
- Wendy Tindale, Professor of Medical Physics: @WendyT_99
- Wing-Sum Lao, NE Neurosurgery Trainee: @WingSum_Lao
- Yvonne Birks, applied health and social care researcher: @birksyvonne
*NOTE: Names and job information listed were taken from Twitter bios and/or from details included in the post of the person making the recommendation.
* If we have missing any of your #NorthInnovationWomen off the list, please do get in touch and we will update the list. Either tweet us or email ruth.boston@thenhsa.co.uk