The N8 provides a platform for the universities to work together to tackle complex scientific and societal challenges, improve the research environment and promote economic development, which would not be possible if the partnership did not exist.

The N8 universities individually deliver high-quality research and innovation. However, no single university has all of the skills and expertise required to solve the complex socio-economic challenges we face today and will face in the future.

Working together, we can draw on a broader range of skills and knowledge making us more effective and agile; without the collective effort and resources of the N8, there would be less collaboration and cooperation between the universities, reducing impact on research, innovation, and economic growth in the region.

The N8 provides a means for our member universities to share risk and create efficiencies and new ways of working. Additionally, the N8 universities can leverage their critical mass to advocate for the region by drawing on their collective resources, expertise, and influence.

Our current activities are broadly focused in two areas:

In addition, the N8 has a strong record of delivery since it was established in 2006. You can explore some of the notable achievements through the work of our Legacy Programmes and a number of Case Studies.