The N8 Centre of Excellence in Computationally Intensive Research (N8 CIR) is hosting three events at Durham and Leeds universities during June that will be packed with workshops, keynote speeches and focus talks, along with plenty of opportunity for discussion on topics such as Digital Health, RSE and Digital Humanities in the North.
One of N8 CIR’s aims is to build communities of practice focused on N8 strategic research priorities. June’s events with provide ample opportunity to network and meet like-minded researchers across the North of England, laying the groundwork for future collaboration.
The first of the three events will be a Digital Humanities Community Day at the University of Leeds, taking place on Thursday 8th June 09:30 – 16:15.
This workshop will bring together the digital humanities research community across the N8 universities. Registrations for this event have now closed.
With breaks for networking and a keynote speech from Jennifer Richards, Director, Newcastle University Humanities Research Institute, the event will be an opportunity to exchange ideas with others who embrace digital tools to reflect on humanistic questions about culture, society and identity.
Next up is N8 CIR RSE Day, at Durham University on Tuesday 13th June, 12:00 – 16:00.
This annual meeting for RSE professionals across the N8 universities will be the first in-person gathering since 2019.,
This event will also incorporate the N8 CIR RSE Leaders and Aspiring Leaders meeting, which brings together current and future RSE leaders from across the N8 universities to exchange experiences and discuss pertinent topics.
And finally, a Digital Health Community Day will take place at University of Leeds on Thursday 22nd June, 09:45 – 16:30.
Open to researchers who are interested in the analysis of health data, this workshop will cover a broad range of topics with contributions focusing on applied, methodological, computational and AI aspects of digital health.
The event will include keynote talks by invited speakers Luke Hounsome, UKHSA and Isaac Odiase, HDR UK, and will be a great opportunity for anyone who wants to find out more about N8 CIR’s Digital Health theme and meet like-minded researchers across the North of England.
For more information about the events, visit:
Please remember to use your .ac.uk address when registering, this helps us to ensure you are eligible for the event. If you work for a partner organisation, such as one of the research councils, this can be recorded during the registration process.