University training meet-ups with N8 CIR


Are you part of the university training community at one of our N8 universities?

N8 CIR would like to invite you to our introductory ‘meet-up’ events, being hosted for the university training community at each of the N8 partner universities across the north of England. (York, Liverpool, Lancaster, Sheffield, Durham, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle)

The N8 CIR is our Centre of Excellence in Computationally Intensive Research has a number of roles, including the building of communities of practice focused on strategic research themes, and to develop computational skills across the N8. Our initial research themes are Digital Health and Digital Humanities which were launched in January with a series of events for researchers. The January events helped us to identify the skills requirements for researchers within these areas.

They’re now looking to find out what training expertise exists within the N8, what the training provider needs are and how we can bring together trainers and researchers to drive innovation and best research practice.

Event dates

Come along and find out more about the N8 CIR, help shape our plans to assist the training community. The meeting will provide plenty of discussion time for requirement and information-gathering which will help to inform our work plan for the future.

  • Durham University – Date TBC
  • Newcastle University – Date TBC
  • University of Lancaster – Friday 12 July
  • University of Leeds – Date TBC
  • University of Liverpool – Monday 8 July
  • University of Manchester – Tuesday 2 July
  • University of Sheffield – Wednesday 10 July
  • University of York – Date TBC

Visit the N8 CIR Events page for more information about the dates, times and venues of each of the meet-ups.